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Getting ready for Higg BRM Verification?
We held our recent Webinar:
Higg BRM: Pilot verification learnings and best practices
As Higg Brand & Retail Module (BRM) sets a standardised global frame work for fashion brands and retailers to assess their social and environmental performances, it is increasingly relevant for companies who are reporting on their BRM data to have the module verified in order to enable transparency and public communication on their performances.
During our webinar we discussed with our international guest speakers the Higg BRM pilot verification project learnings and good practices from both verification body and retailer & brand’s perspectives and how pilot verification has helped their organisations to drive improvement, internal alignment and better prepare for this year Higg BRM reporting.
- How to best organise and prepare for Higg BRM verification
- What are the main format & approach for the pilot verification
- What are the Learnings and Best Practices from the pilot verification
- What are the benefits of conducting the Higg BRM verification
We are happy to offer free copies of the knowledge presented during our webinar for you to download.
- our webinar presentation
- our webinar recorded for you to watch at any time
We hope our expert knowledge will be helpful for your organisation to drive improvement, internal alignment and better prepare for Higg BRM reporting and will support you in futher developing your individual business.