Whether you are a manufacturer or a retailer, you might rely on international supply chains to procure goods, components or ingredients. With regards to your corporate due diligence for these supply chains some legal changes are around the corner, that you can´t ignore!
This applies to the whole European Union, with the new European SCDD Directive which is still in the legislative processing, but is expected to be enacted by summer 2023.
A special focus is on the German market, because the German Supply Chain Law will become effective on Jan 1st, 2023 already. This Due Diligence legislation creates a framework along the entire supply chain and determines new obligations for companies and their direct suppliers. The requirements for human rights due diligence processes in companies will be mandatory. For the further development we expect increasing regulations with more and more companies affected.
Of course, the practical implementation and interpretation of the legal specifications is a major challenge for all companies concerned, raising some crucial questions: What exactly does this mean to me and my suppliers? What insights have been gained in the months since the German law was passed? Has the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence already influence in the current status?
Learn, what you need to consider! In our webinar "German Act and EU Directive on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains" we explain the scope and the associated requirements and obligations for companies.