Various negative effects on human health are being discussed for the mineral oil hydrocarbons MOSH and MOAH. For MOAH compounds with three or more aromatic rings in particular, the serious risks appear to be confirmed. MOSH and MOAH can migrate from the packaging material into consumer products. If you manufacture and distribute food, cosmetics or other product groups, you should not rely solely on your suppliers' declarations of compliance. Our MOSH/MOAH analyses support you in confirming supplier statements.
Stricter requirements by European legislators were only a matter of time. France restricts the use of potentially harmful substances. For example, the proportion of MOAH in printing ink may not exceed 1% until December 31, 2024. From 2025, a further reduced value of 0.1% will apply for MOSH and MOAH compounds with 1-2 aromatic rings and 0.0001% for MOAH compounds with three or more aromatic rings.