Quick Check for standard EN 62368-1

You are interested in a comparison that verifies whether your products already comply with the requirements of the new standard EN 62368-1 or that shows you where there are still deviations?
Simply request your Quick Check by using the order form below. For only 500.00 Euro plus VAT, we will prepare a Quick Check for you. If you subsequently assign us with the conversion of your certificate, we will offset the fee.
The data you submit in the form will be stored and processed for your Quick Check in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Fields marked with * are required to prepare a Quick Check that is customized to your specifications. In order to prepare it, we will need certain information. Should we have any questions about the information you provided, our specialists will contact you.
General Terms and Conditions
Testing and Certification Regulations (PZO)

Order – Quick Check (500.00 € plus VAT)